Did you know that healthy people also go to counselling?
I know right, it was a surprise to me also until a few years ago. My understanding was that only people who were desparate or really messed up went to counselling.
You could say that there is some kind of stigma attached (wrongly) to people who see the need to attend counselling. I am here to tell you that the truth is something quite different.
You are actually the expert in your own life, that’s right, you and no one else. Sure, we can get a little blind-sided at times and things that are obvious to others may not register in our minds. However, that doesn’t take away from the fact that you are the CEO and ultimate decision maker in yourlife.inc

My first experience of counselling was when I sought out a local counsellor for some advice. That advice was in fact around whether they thought I would be suited to the profession. So my idea was that I would go along to the session, tell the person what I need and they would tell me precisely what I needed to do. Oh, how misguided I was!
The very first thing they said after welcoming me to the counselling room was that they weren’t there to tell me what to do, but rather, to come along side and help me figure things out for myself. What a huge disappointment I felt deep in my spirit. After all, if they couldn’t tell me, how was I to work this out?
Enter counselling 101, active listening and an empathetic listener as my guide. By the end of the hour long session, I had managed to talk out what I was thinking, sought some guidance and had a good idea of my next right step, wow! (disclaimer: you will most likely need more than just one session for most things)
I felt energised, reaffirmed and positive that counselling (counsellor) had a part in my life and the very next year, I began my studies in counselling. But that is a subject perhaps for another post or 3 🙂
Let me finish by saying that if you are stuck or struggling or simply looking for some help with goals or direction in life, whatever the need, having a chat with a qualified counsellor is most likely going to be of significant benefit to you.
If you need a recommendation, feel free to contact me and I will be only too happy to refer you to someone suitable in your area.